Treading Lightly
Treading Lightly

Minsgame Wrap Up

The Minsgame was the perfect start to the new year. I didn’t have to spend the first few weeks of January trying to clear out the clutter. Instead, I started the new year reflecting on the process and where I am now.

minsgame-wrap-up-#minsgame-The-Minimalism-Game- Minsgame

What I learned

1. I crave a clean, clear, organized space. I knew this already, but this project really solidified my goal.

2. It’s easy to fill a recently emptied space. Over Christmas break I really wanted to paint. When I went home for Christmas I got all of my old art supplies. And haven’t touched them since.

3. No matter how tough the decision, I haven’t regretted getting rid of a single item.

4. It’s hard to keep my dresser and book shelf tops clear, even after everything I got rid of. This clutter makes me feel unhappy and ironically spurs me to get rid of more things, never what’s piled up there.

5. Out of sight, out of mind. When I grabbed the overflowing bag of clothes I was going to sell at a local store, I couldn’t remember what was in it anymore.

6. Decluttering is time consuming! I spent hours throughout the Minsgame going through stuff, and I really only have my room, part of a bathroom, and a single kitchen cabinet. It was exhausting!

7. People are really supportive. My friends, family, and roommates were interested and encouraging. Even though they hadn’t heard of the Minsgame and they weren’t interested in doing it themselves (yet), they did what they could to help me.

8. I didn’t have to make it to the end to be successful. I heavily culled the things I owned and I transformed the game into something that challenged me while still being achievable.

9. “Decluttering” is a dangerous word. It makes me feel inadequate and like I’m not trying hard enough. Every time I hear it I think I should obviously keep getting rid of things. If other people are still removing possessions, I should be too! These 30 days really hammered home that I need to take a step back and be happy with what I have right now, even if it’s more than I absolutely need.


I got rid of more than 268 physical items and thousands of digital files.

Moving Forward

I’m taking January off. No reading about decluttering, no daily digging through my drawers for something to rid of. Decluttering has become a type of obsession for me. It’s time to take a step back and finally reap the benefits – more room, a little extra cash, and more mental space.

I’m living with what I have this month. Nothing in, nothing out… okay, I’m not intentionally looking for things to toss out. To make this easier, no reading anything with “decluttering” or “organizing” on it. No stalking #minsgame. No Magic. Just embracing what I have and letting it be enough.

In case you missed it:

Week One
Week Two
Week Three
Week Four

Have you tried the Minsgame or something similar? How did it go?

One Response

  1. […] cut my wardrobe down quite a bit during the Minsgame (and got myself a little extra money by selling some of it). Some of my clothes need replacing […]

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