Treading Lightly
Treading Lightly

Training update: First four weeks of half marathon training

I’ve been afraid to say anything in case the universe hears me and sends a setback my way, but I’m hoping the universe doesn’t read this.

Training is going really well.

Thankful that I can finally pick up the pace. #runchat #flying #fastfeet #running

A photo posted by Mandy Ferreira (@treading_lightly) on

There are days when I feel like I did two years ago, long before I knew what PTT was. I would go for runs and feel like my feet were light as air, just flying underneath me. I would hit sub 9 minute miles without realizing it. I would run at the pace I felt like running at – I never had to worry about my pacing or cadence or uneven pavement or anything else I can hurt myself with.

I can’t get enough.

Finally feeling like myself again has done wonders for my mental state this time around. I’m still struggling to balance running, lifting, and CrossFit with PT, yoga, and recovery. Some days my legs feel like I filled them with lead and encased them in concrete. I have had runs where I just.can’t.go.any.faster. I have had runs where I have to rein myself back in, at least a little bit.

I’m four weeks in, and I’m looking forward to the next 10. My flight is booked, I know where I’m staying, and what I’m eating for breakfast the morning of the race. I just need to keep going, keep being careful, and keep knowing when to let loose.

Total miles: 47.35
CrossFit classes: 8
Lifting/Squatting sessions: 9 (skipped a week)
Yoga classes: 1 (my goal for next month is to make it at least once a week)
PT: pretty good overall. Some room for improvement


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