Treading Lightly
Treading Lightly

Working Girl Breakfast

I would love to say how I am a great morning person, but that’s not entirely true. Just about everyone I have lived with has met the morning monster who poses as me. When my mom used to make sure I was up in the morning, caveman grunts were the only signs of life.

Now that my commute is only an hour (compared to my previous 2 hour each way trek into the city, it’s not so bad) I have a little more time in the morning to eat my breakfast at home. But on the days where I just can’t seem to get out of the house on time, this is my go to breakfast.

high protein oatmeal with raspberries, berries

I love oatmeal because it’s really hard to ruin, it’s easy to customize, and by changing a few ingredients it can be different every time. Lately I’ve been adding beautiful seasonal berries on top of my high-protein oatmeal. I also really like to cook (read microwave as much as I hate to admit it) blackberries and blueberries in the oatmeal so they fall apart and add their incredible flavor throughout.

The best part, if I can’t eat it in time I put it in my commuter mug and hit the road. It stays hot and it’s easy to eat while I’m sitting in traffic.

2 Responses

  1. Eimear says:

    I really wish I could get into oatmeal (or porridge as us Irish call it!) but I just can’t stomach the texture. It makes me gag every time I try it and I don’t like the combination of hot and cold when I mix fruit in. Alas, I will live vicariously through your photos! 🙂

    • Mandy says:

      Thank you for commenting! Have you tried muesli instead of oatmeal? It’s a bit sturdier and unlike oatmeal it’s great uncooked with a little milk and when it is warmed up it tends to have a bit more bite.

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