Treading Lightly
Treading Lightly

On the go quinoa salad

I make my lunch the night before, and even then I’m lazy and whine the entire time about having to make it. I only have about 10 minutes to make my lunch before I lose all patience and think it’s fine to just be hungry the next day (which only makes me really really mad at myself when I don’t have enough to eat). This means that if it’s not fast, I’m not eating it.

One of my go-to lunches that I can’t seem to get tired of is a salad in a jar. I can make it different every day of the week and it never leaves me staring at my lunch wishing I had something else. This time I used some leftover quinoa to provide a boost of protein, sweet potato, aduki beans, a bit of feta cheese, and some olive oil and balsamic vinegar.

Not only is it healthy and filling, it also holds up well in the fridge and can be eaten warm or cold. Packed into my mason jars, I can make a few days worth at once and then just grab and go. Too bad I don’t have pie in mason jars all lined up and waiting at all times to top off my lunch.

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