Treading Lightly
Treading Lightly

Homemade gift ideas: jams and preserves

With my last final tomorrow my brain has been less than creative at coming up with homemade gift ideas, but thankfully my friends were ready to help me out. My friend came up with the idea of homemade preserves, which I love!

I fell in love this summer with INNA jam, and since then it has made me crave homemade jam. When I was younger my mom would have my brother and I help her make delicious strawberry jam that we would give away and eat for the rest of the year. It was always so hard for me to wait for it to cool and solidify a bit before I could eat it.

Jam or preserves are a great homemade gift that is incredibly easy to make in bulk. It’s always an incredibly fun way to spend a few hours. The only problem is that it is hard to get fresh fruit in some places during the winter, but if you can find fresh, organic fruits, then happy jamming.

Image courtesy of Manolo
Image courtesy of insidesocal
There are some great recipes online for homemade jam if you are interested. It helps if you know what fruit you will use as well as how many jars you want to make. As an added bonus, when you are done with your jam, you can use the jars as glasses.

Thanks Heather for the great idea!

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