Treading Lightly
Treading Lightly

Homemade gift idea: sugar scrub

I am a huge fan of homemade body care items. After finding out about all the chemicals in most store bought items, I started making my own moisturizer and body oil (a replacement for body lotion). What most people do not realize is not only how much better for you the homemade items are, but how easy and cheap they are.  

Spicy Holiday Sugar Scrub
Recipe from Gorgeously Green

Yields: about 8 oz scrub
Storage: dark glass or plastic jar in cool dark cupboard
Shelf life: 6 months
3/4 cup organic sugar
2tsp ground cloves
1tbsp dried rose petals (Mountain Rose Herbs)
2 tsp grated orange zest
1 cup sesame or sweet almond oil
Combine all the ingredients together making sure all is well mixed
Spoon into your jar.

Don’t forget to put the scrub in a nice jar with a label.

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