WOD of the Week
I have always loved to swim. I was swimming before I could talk, and it’s one activity that has always been calming and fun for me, whether I am swimming competitively to stay in shape, or just to catch up with all of my thoughts. I’m never bored in the water, and I rarely, if ever, pass up on the opportunity to swim.
Today felt like a great day to swim, especially since the weather has been nice and I upset my knee a bit last night (I had poor form on a max weight squat clean and tugged on something in my knee. It’s fine, just a little swollen and tender, but I’m going to give it at least a week of rest before I squat even body weight). So instead of going for my typical run, I pulled out the bathing suites (yes, I am one of those swimmers that wears two suites, a weird habit I picked up on the swim team) and slathered myself in sunscreen.
Unfortunately I spent so much time cleaning up the kitchen that my swim was seriously rushed. Due to some car trouble (my driver’s side window gave up on ever coming back up, leaving my car breezy and open for the taking) I only had 30 minutes to get my mile swim in. Yikes.
I definitely have not swum that far, that fast since I had a swim coach yelling at me from the deck. I know I will probably be sore tomorrow and I will be annoyed with myself for doing a miles worth of sprint sets when I have to work on only my arms at CrossFit tomorrow to keep resting my knee, it felt absolutely amazing today. I feel graceful and powerful in the water. It’s the one element where I can’t trip and fall over and no one can see all of the weird faces I make. I also love not being able to hear anything except for the water moving past my ears. You can’t beat a great swim, even if it was brutally quick.