Lululemon SeaWheeze 2015 Race Report
Ladies and gentlemen, I have an announcement to make. For the first time in four half marathon training cycles, I finished every damn workout (except for one).
I didn’t get injured.
And it showed. I didn’t have any pre-race “what if I don’t make it?” worries. I didn’t stress about making an injury worse. I was fully prepared for the race.
I had forgotten what it’s like to run your first half. It was a blast to be there every step of the way for my mom’s.
I wanted to make sure the experience was fun and worth the weeks of training, and I’m pretty sure we succeeded. My mom spent the entire 13.1 cheering everyone on (including the spectators who looked tired on the side walk). It was a bit like running with a personal cheerleader (or the Energizer Bunny).
Best of all, I was able to stick to a consistent pace and help get my mom across the finish line at her goal time (which felt pretty damn good for both of us if I can speak for everyone).
After the race we went back to the hotel and treated ourselves to a slow bike ride without any resistance. I had read about it on Ray Maker’s blog, and it was a life saver (Thanks Ray)! My legs started shaking and getting extremely tight while we were walking down the finish shoot, but as soon as I got off the bike I could walk normally and the pain in my legs was gone.

Am I doing this right?
The sunset festival yoga probably helped recovery as well.
And without further ado, the weirdest race metal ever.
[…] the race we headed to Whistler for four days, and it was by far our favorite part of the trip (outside of […]
[…] little over a week after SeaWheeze I was pinning on a bib for the Giant’s 5k. This race was definitely not in my original […]
[…] Half Marathon in San Francisco thinking it was likely I wouldn’t get in. With the SeaWheeze eight weeks before, it seemed like it would be a blessing in disguise if I didn’t get in. I […]
[…] I was training for this year’s SeaWheeze I started listening to podcasts while running to better simulate what it would be like (my […]